
IRAJ Robotics and Automation

Solenoid Valve, Assembly Machine, Vibratory Bowl Feeder Manufacturers, Suppliers, Dealers in Bhubaneswar

“IRAJ Robotics And Automation found Oct 2016, Pune, Maharashtra, India. And its founder Mr. Suraj Kadam. He believes “To become global leader in industrial automation by providing value for money solutions.” You can make changes according to you to make it better.

IRAJ Robotics and Automation is the technology provider in field of industrial automation and machine automation. We are specialized in automation and also providing services to automobile, steel plants, paper, pharmacy, food and beverages.

Our unique approach decodes the customer requirements precisely and transform it into intelligence solution. Our Customers world Leaders and we have added value to their productivity with our proficiency in Factory and Process Automation. These value additions and our end-to-end approach have given us a worldwide reputation of delivering the Right Solutions.

When it comes to an automation no firm is equal. Every process has its own specific requirements. This is why we plan, develop and implement together with customer. Our Project Execution succeeds through a continuous feedback loop between you and us to conceive, implement and optimize truly innovative solutions.


Our Vision

Iraj Robotics and Automation is the best at what we do, which is to provide reliable technology which will enhance the productivity. Our mission is therefore to adopt the innovative production methods which ensures Engineering with efficient production.

  • Higher Revenue
  • Improved Monitoring
  • Lower Cost
  • Fast Implementation
  • Greater Efficiency
  • Better Safety
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